by Specialdocs Consultants | Oct 6, 2022 | Healthy Aging, Patient News, Wellness
Senior Moments Or Something More? As Baby Boomers continue the inexorable journey deep into their senior years, preserving cognitive function understandably tops the list of worries. While Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias are seen in just 5% of people over...
by Specialdocs Consultants | Jul 8, 2022 | Healthy Aging, Patient News, Staying Active
Try Pickleball, the Country’s Fastest-Growing Sport Tired of the same ‘ole routine every summer but find yourself in a pickle and looking for a new summer activity? Well, according to American Council on Exercise (ACE), you might want to consider pickleball. As...
by Ivan | Nov 26, 2019 | Healthy Aging, Patient News, Wellness
Life’s Happiness Continuum Is there a predetermined peak age for happiness, before which our normal outlook is gloomy and melancholy and after which we slump back into these non-euphoric ways? When Are the Best Years of Our Lives? Studies Show Two Stages of Life...
by Ivan | Sep 4, 2019 | Healthy Aging, Medical Conditions, Patient News
This Too Shall Pass: Treating and Preventing Kidney Stones More common, frequently less painful and far more preventable than reputed, kidney stones have, entered a new era of highly effective, noninvasive procedures. We bring you up to date on kidney stone treatment...
by Ivan | Apr 2, 2019 | Healthy Aging, Patient News, Staying Active
Ramping Up your Sprint Fitness after a Long, Sedentary Winter Whether you went into hibernation as the result of a record cold winter season, or took time off from your usual exercise routine because of a busy schedule or illness, spring is an ideal time to get back...
by Specialdocs Consultants, LLC | Nov 20, 2017 | Healthy Aging, Patient News
As almost 10,000 Baby Boomers officially become senior citizens each day, the focus on preventing and treating age-related ailments becomes distinctly more urgent. HealthWise presents an ongoing look at research that provides valuable insights to help today’s seniors...
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